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Hello, Goodbye

Hello, friends!

It's been a while again- too long, honestly. The past two weeks have been a blur and I can't tell you where the time went. I ran from one social event to another, spent days cuddling with ice packs as I recovered from wisdom tooth removal, and then drove out to Boulder, CO with my sister. It's been fast-paced, emotional, and generally draining.

Between this whirlwind period and reflecting on my time abroad, I realized why I was having trouble keeping up with this lovely blog: I was overwhelmed by all the things I had to say. Off the top of my head, I can list six different posts I had planned and never actually wrote. The more I fell behind, the less I felt like I would ever be able to catch up. The new approach will be to write two posts per week and accept that I won't be able to cover everything I hope to.

On that note, I'll be posting soon about the complicated business of returning home after time abroad, Catalan culture, and my roadtrip out to Boulder. Feel free to enjoy to enjoy some beautiful Catalan music and images of Barcelona.

Until next time!



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