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Little Things

If you're even vaguely aware of current events in the United States, you know things are a little bleak at the moment. People of all ethnicities, religions, and occupations are feeling threatened and each group has its own reasons for claiming their concerns are more legitimate than those of others. This blog isn't here as a debate. While I'm happy to discuss politics in a more personal setting, this blog is meant to focus on my personal, day-to-day experiences. So all I will say here about current events is that today, I feel crushed by mourning.

I've felt a little less hopeful lately. I was brought down when I discovered someone had written "FATTY" up and down Boulder Creek Path, a common spot for biking and running. I was emotionally and physically drained by working more than 40 hours over the past week, many of which involved me apologizing for being new to a job and not doing things as quickly as customers wanted. I was sickened by the number of killings and the Facebook postings insisting these acts were organized by "The Government" to oppress the American people. I couldn't handle it anymore.

Now, I'm not exactly a Lord of the Rings fan. In fact, I've never managed to stay awake throughout an entire LOTR book or movie. But Tolkien has some decent lines, including the following Gandalf quote.

Without having seen or read LOTR, I knew this to be true before the Gandalf quote made its way onto my Facebook newsfeed. That's why I took the time today to write love notes and tuck them around my local Barnes and Noble. That's why I've borrowed chalk to write positive messages along Boulder Creek Path. And that's why I'm suggesting the following activities to you today.

Little Things You Can Do:

1. Write a note of appreciation to someone who matters in your life. Whether it's to your parents for their unending support, to your aunt for sending you homemade cookies, or to a friend for their love and friendship, your note will matter and brighten someone's day. You can also send thank you to deployed or wounded members of the military via Operation Gratitude.

2. Give out bottles of water to your mailman, garbage men, crossing guards, police officers, and others who may be in need. This summer sure is a hot one and having water is incredibly important in this heat.

3. Compliment someone. Everyone loves receiving compliments. I know that an employee at my grocery store told me she loved my shorts the other day, the same shorts I thought were looking tattered and should probably go, and my day was brightened.

4. Send a letter to a hospitalized child or make a care package for parents in the NICU. These are people who are lonely and scared. If anyone could use a pick-me-up, it's them.

5. Donate blood or become an organ donor. It's not painful, it's relatively quick, and it can literally save a life.

We all could use a reminder of the good in the world. Be that reminder for someone today. As Kid President says, "If we all make today awesome for somebody else, today will be awesome for everybody."

Until next time!



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